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How do I plan my Wedding during Covid?

Like me, I’m sure you are sick of hearing about Covid 19 by now. Unfortunately I think this virus is here to stay for now but that does not mean you should postpone your big day.

Putting your life plans on hold due to the Corona Virus is frustrating. In this Post I’m going to share with you some of the ways I have seen Brides and Grooms tailor their weddings to create a safer environment to reduce exposure to Covid.

What is Covid 19 and currently how does the CDC say its transferred?

Well unless you have been living under a rock you have heard the dangers regarding Covid 19. Currently the CDC is recommending some guidelines to help you stay safe.

“CDC recommends that all people, regardless of symptoms, and whether or not they have had COVID-19 in the past, continue to take all recommended measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission (i.e., wear masks, stay 6 feet away from others whenever possible, and wash hands regularly)”

This is directly from the CDC’s website
  • So currently the CDC is saying the Virus can be transferred from Person to Person respiratory Droplets.
  • Touching a surface which has the virus on it and then touching your face/ mouth/ nose or eyes.
  • The virus may be spread by people who do not have symptoms also.

We have all been living under the guidelines of our local states and governments as of late and we have found there are a few precautions we can take to mitigate the risk of infection. Next I will go over some of the tips I have seen at weddings and have been advised from friends and family.

Can I have a wedding virtually?

This is a question that some couples have been asking. Can you have your wedding virtually by using zoom or live stream. Yes this has been done. You can even have your wedding officiant perform the ceremony virtually in some states. I know that having a live streamed wedding is not as intimate as some would like but it does allow your guests to view the ceremony and experience with you. Some may setup a virtual wedding for older relatives who you would not want to risk contracting the virus.

Some tips for your virtual wedding checklist!

  • If you are not completely sure if your venue will be closed on the date of your wedding plan ahead and have a setup for your virtual wedding ceremony. This way you can still have your wedding if you do not want to wait for the pandemic to pass.

  • Choose what live streaming platform you will be using. From what I have learned Zoom seems to be the most popular option but that does not mean other platforms are not catching up and adapting to be more wedding suited.
    • Zoom
    • Google Hangouts
    • Facebook Live
    • Youtube Live
    • Instagram Live

  • Invite your guests as normal. The easiest way to invite your guests for your virtual wedding would be to sent an invitation. Give an exact time and date. Tell your guests they can still dress up and to feel free to have some drinks with you while you say I Do. Tell the guests to use the chat function on your platform to send encouraging messages during the ceremony because you will have them muted as to not interrupt your wedding exchange. Include your Meeting ID incase your guests get knocked out of the stream or they have a hard time connecting.

  • Dress Up! This is your wedding and it will feel more like your big day if you look the part. As I said above, encourage your guests to dress up as they watch you all.

  • The final tip I have for you is make sure you have good lighting. Even if you need to buy some cheap clamp lights. There is nothing worse than having a video feed that is grainy and out of focus. The lighting will help your device capture your big day. I recommend placing your lighting behind the camera to the side or inline with it. I use LED bulbs in the clamp lights above. Make sure to use daylight balanced bulbs as they will look better on the feed.

How to keep guests safe at my wedding during Covid?

Okay so you are determined to have your in person wedding and the Wedding Venue is still open. Perfect, lets go over some practices that will ensure you are keeping your guests safer and still having a experience.

Remember Rules and Regulations are different in every state. Make sure you are complying with the most up to date information you can.

  • Setup a place for your guests when they enter the venue where they can use hand sanitizer and mask up if they have not brought their own masks. This is very important. I’m not sure if this has happened to you yet but I find myself arriving somewhere often and jumping out of my vehicle only to turn back around. I forgot my mask in the car. Make is simple to be safe with some disposable masks prearranged for your guests.
  • Next arrange seating so that your chairs are in groups for families and assigning seats for the wedding ceremony would probably help considerably. The guidelines that have been used most recently are to space seats approximately 6 feet apart. If you are with your household members you can sit closer. I would have my seating prearranged for guest that RSVP and I would have overflow seating in the back of the ceremony spaced 6 feet apart for anyone that came unexpected.
  • For dining sitting your guests spaced 6 feet apart will be hard but as a safety measure it should be considered. Check with your venue and see if they have made arrangements for this previously at other events they have had. You can’t eat food or drink without taking off your mask. This is one of the hardest decisions to make during your event because guests will be seated for a long period of time together. Place household members together the best you can and space the rest out 6 feet apart. These are just recommendations as there is not best way to perform this task.
  • Do not be discouraged with a lower turnout of guests than expected. After all this is a hard time to be attending events and if someone feels their immune system is compromised you really will appreciate them staying home for the evening. On the flip side it would be a side it would make life easier if you limited the number of guests. If I’m being honest I would find this to be the hardest part.

Whatever you decide to do just make sure your guests are on the same page as you. Let them know the safety precautions, have your DJ issue warnings to guests before and after different times. Make sure everyone has a good time and is safe. Your guests will appreciate all the planning that went into your event during these hard times.

I just had a Wedding during Covid 19, Now what?

So congratulations you did it! You made it and hopefully had a beautiful wedding day! Now here are some questions that have arisen from weddings that have commenced during the Pandemic.

What if one of my guests tested positive after my wedding?

You and your spouse need to get tested!

The best way I can answer this is to make sure you have the contact information for your Venue, Vendors, and all guests. It would be your duty or someone willing to help you to contact everyone that was at your event and notify them of possible exposure. This will be appreciated by your guests and the vendors involved. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have guests log down their e-mails in your guest book or have a place on the RSVP for this. E-mailing would make this task so much easier.

My wedding was cancelled due to Covid, What do I do?

This would be another good reason to have everyone’s e-mails handy. If you need to reschedule your wedding at this time it will probably be last minute that your venue got cancelled. You are a the mercy of the Venue, state and federal guidelines on the virus. Don’t take anything personal as they are just trying to keep you and your guests safe. Make sure you know the cancellation policy before the event with your vendors and venue. If you can purchase insurance for your wedding that is also an option.

My wedding guests are refusing to wear a mask, What do I do?

Ask them nicely. This is your big day. Please tell them that the mask is not only for your safety but also theirs. No one likes wearing the mask. But other aspects should not be hard to follow like washing or sanitizing your hands. If they don’t want to play by the rules designate someone to enforce your rules or have them leave. This should be the last thing you worry about on your big day.

What is considered a safe wedding venue during Covid?

Think outdoors. I know depending on where you live it may be colder during certain times of the year. I have found that outdoor weddings can be beautiful and if you have the opportunity they are also the safest option.

Should You have a wedding during Covid?

Lastly this is a question you should ask yourself and family. There are risks involved with being exposed to the virus. I think overall it can be done.

I have been a Photo Booth attendant at weddings during Covid and everything went smooth. Being a witness to the very tips above being implemented and all of the Wedding Guests safely used my Booth. I also made sure to clean after each guest.

Hopefully this has given you the tools that you would need to tackle a Covid Wedding. Whatever you do make sure you and your partner are happy with the decisions being made. Good Luck! Be Happy! Be Safe!

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