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Why You Should Have a Drone at Your Wedding

Why You Should Have a Drone at Your Wedding

If you are planning a wedding, why not consider the use of a drone for your wedding photography ? Drone shots offer a unique perspective on the wedding venue. Additionally, you can capture candid shots of your guests enjoying themselves in the wedding venue. Drones are a relatively easy addition to your wedding photography, and it is easy to find a qualified drone pilot. These aerial photos offer a new way to capture a wedding, and are something that you and your guests will cherish for years to come.

Wedding photography with a drone

There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering wedding photography with a drone. First, you must be aware of the FAA’s regulations regarding drone use. There are “No Drone Zones” in certain areas. In fact, you might not even be able to fly your drone in the area of your venue. Luckily, there is an app that can help you avoid flying a drone in these areas.

The app I use when checking controlled air space is the B4UFLY app. You can find more information about this app here.

When planning shots with your drone photographer, first check out Google Earth to get a good aerial view of the wedding venue. This will help you plan how your drone will fly around. This way, you’ll be sure to catch all of the perfect moments at the right angles. You should also take screenshots of the shots you wish to be taken. This way, the photographer will know which pictures you want and what you expect when the drone arrives.

Drones can be flown just above ground level or at higher heights, depending on the kind of drone you use. They can shoot at 45-degree angles as well as straight forward shots. They can also be angled upwards ( some drones do not articulate their gimble upward), for an interesting effect.

Drone shots to showcase the wedding venue

Aerial photos are very popular in weddings these days, but you should always check the views from the air before capturing them with a camera. You can use google earth to get an overhead view of your wedding venue, like mentioned earlier will help you find the frame of photos you want to take. Also, it’s a great idea to consider drone photography if you’re getting married in a location that is difficult to reach, such as the mountains.

Aerial photography is perfect for weddings, especially if you’re planning a more complex wedding ceremony. A drone can get many different angles from a high altitude and be used to take some unique shots that are impossible to capture with a conventional camera. Drones can capture stunning photos of the wedding venue that you might not be able to capture in your regular photos without being overhead. Photographers and drone operators can even show off these aerial shots to you if they have shot at your venue previously.

If you are going to fly the drone yourself, you should know what the rules of your venue are. Drones are noisy, so you should avoid flying them over large groups. You should also check with the FAA to make sure that it’s safe to fly a drone over a wedding venue. Also, drones are best used for photography, so make sure to check with your videographer to ensure you are not interfering with their shots.

With a drone you can capture guests having fun

Aerial shots are not only fun to look at but they’re also very useful for seeing your guests and capturing moments in time. If you’re planning an outdoor ceremony or reception, a drone will help you get the perfect view of the site before and during your event. Guests can also be filmed having a good time with the drone and capture them having fun without worrying about posing for a shot.

Drones can also be used for capturing large groups of people or unique venue features. Another advantage of using a drone to capture the festivities is that you can easily get great panorama shots. Make sure you check your venue’s policy before hiring a drone company. You can also ask the venue manager if they allow drone usage at your wedding.

Do I need a drone license to fly my drone at my own wedding?

The FAA requires people operating drones that are 55 pounds or less for commercial use to have their FAA part 107 Certification. If you are using your own drone to record your wedding you should be okay not having your part 107. If you start using your drone for commercial purposes then you do need it.

So you can not hobby or recreational fly for another person but you can for your own enjoyment of your wedding. If you are hiring a drone pilot make sure they are part 107 certified.

You should get a drone for your Wedding

Overall, if you can get past the sheer novelty of having a drone at your wedding, then it will certainly do wonders for ramping up the cool factor at your wedding. But more importantly, your camera footage will be nothing short of spectacular—and that’s what really counts.

Will Cicadas ruin my Wedding Day?

Will Cicadas ruin my Wedding Day?

You are coming up on your big wedding day, everything is planned out perfectly then this month you realize there is a whole other issue you haven’t planned for.. An unplanned wedding crasher which waited patiently for 17 years to emerge on your wedding day. The Brood X Cicadas. That’s right they are here and you have the choice to either embrace them or take measures to keep them from ruining your day.

You waited out the pandemic or postponed your wedding for your big day just to find out that a swarm of bugs is going to be buzzing around your guests and wedding dinner. I was alive 17 years ago when the cicadas came out before and it was interesting but they will eventually go away and wait out there next 17 year slumber.

The small amount of time these insects are around will only effect some weddings. But I bet 17 years from your wedding you will still have family talking about how the cicadas crashed your big day.

How long does the Cicada swarm Last?

These pesty bugs usually only hang around from May to the end of June. So its a short annoying time but you will get through it. Many of us don’t even remember what it was like having them visit 17 years ago. (myself included)

This also depends on the weather conditions. If the weather is warm and dry then the Cicadas will mate sooner than later. The weather plays a huge role in whether you have a short season or a long season which can expire around the first of July.

What are Cicadas and why do they come out of the ground?

Believe it or not there are Cicadas that emerge every year. These are called Annual Cicadas. Then you have Periodical which come out after long periods of time, for example the 17 year cicadas. Then you have the Protoperiodical which emerge every year and every couple years they emerge together in large numbers.

So this weird little insect with large bulging eyes and wings is best known for the sound it makes. The male insect makes noises by flexing their tymbals which are organs that are like drums. This sound is amplified by the hollow abdomen of the Cicada. The female Cicadas also make noise by flicking their wings. This is not the common cicada sound that you are thinking of.

Both the male and female Cicadas die within a few weeks after emerging from the ground. See, I told you it would only effect a small number of weddings.

The cicadas mate, then the female places her eggs into the bark of a tree. These eggs hatch and the nympth falls to the ground and burrows. Cicadas will live under the soil for most of their lives and will feed off of plant roots. The Cicadas then make a tunnel and emerge to shed their skin. Once this happens its like your 18 year old kid leaving the nest. They are now adults and they repeat the lifecycle again to make the next generation of Cicadas.

Anyway, I’m sure you are tired of hearing about what Cicadas are. Yes, I know they are creepy and you don’t want them at your wedding. Well let me give you some tips to help on your wedding day guests.

How will the Cicadas effect my outdoor wedding?

Yes they will, but it won’t be as bad as your picture in your head. Remember this “swarm” of Cicadas is not some biblical amount of Cicadas that are wreaking havoc on your town. We have been through the Cicadas before and we barely remembered until we knew they were coming out again.

If you are having an outdoor wedding then just take some precautions to keep the unwanted guests from interrupting your ceremony.

  • Maybe Mic up your wedding ceremony so that guests can hear you over the Cicadas singing.
  • Try to stay away from trees and wooded areas. The Cicadas tend to flock toward these areas to breed and lay eggs.
  • Put up a tent or have the ceremony indoors to avoid the extra exposure you will have to these insects.
  • Serve food inside. There would be nothing worse than having your guests find a bulgy eyed winged insect in their mashed potatoes.
  • Cicadas tend to be more active during the daytime. If your ceremony or reception is after dark then you may have less troubles

Don’t be alarmed if you hear an occasional guest scream because a Cicada landed on them or if they jump when they see one crawling up their chair. Make sure to let your guests know they are harmless and they don’t bit or sting.

There is not truly a way to mitigate all the Cicadas from your wedding day but hopefully taking some of these precautions can help you enjoy your day to the fullest.

How can I embrace the Cicadas at my wedding?

I’m glad you want to embrace the Cicadas at your wedding. This is something that many (including myself) would have a hard time doing. Truth is these creatures do not harm humans and are just annoying.

You could offer a wedding favor bag of chocolate covered Cicadas as a way to embrace the bugs or you could name a signature drink after them. ( The Brood X )

I think another funny way of embracing the inevitable would be to make some jokes on the alter about how you call each other bug. Or you could add the Cicadas to the guest list or give them their own table on your seating chart.

Take some fun photos with your newly acquainted guests. Get a Cicada selfie. Have someone paint you a cicada backdrop for your photos or photobooth.

What do Cicadas Symbolize?

They say that the Cicadas bring about a period of rejuvenation. They also symbolize revival and a renewal of your spirit. I’m not sure what that exactly means but It sounds good and you will want them at your wedding. Besides you can really stop them so just pretend this is a good sign.

Don’t worry about the Cicadas, just have fun

These are just some fun ways to embrace the Cicada Wedding. I know all you Brides and Grooms that planned a wedding from May to July have been dreading the thought of a Cicada landing in your hair. Just remember that it could always rain on your wedding day which is a sign of good luck. Maybe Cicadas on your wedding day are even better luck!

As always, take care and make the most of your big day!

The Do’s of Wedding Hashtags #

The Do’s of Wedding Hashtags #

Wedding HashTags are a common wedding extra these days. If you like to share your photos with friends and family online this is a must. Some of the best Photos can be taken by friends and family at your wedding and a sure way to make sure you get to see them is to have them hashtag the photo.

If you didn’t already know you can search hashtags on most social media platforms and it will pull up posts with photographs that use that particular hashtag. Social Media Sites like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are common platforms that use Hashtags.

Why Should you use a wedding hashtag?

Remember when you use to go to weddings and events and someone would have a disposable camera? It would be my goal to get that camera before the end of the night and take a random photo surprise with whoever wanted to be in the picture. This is the same concept except you can upload the photo to your Instagram or other social media to be discovered later.

How to come up with a good wedding hashtag

Coming up with a catchy hashtag isn’t as hard as it sounds. First you should brainstorm some of the common names and check social media to see if they have been taken. Don’t make them too long or people will not remember them. Also if they are too long they could be misspelled.

If you make it too short then its going to be harder to find something unique. If a short name is taken that you like I will show you below some of the best ways to add on words to make them more unique.

But first lets see the easier way of coming up with a hashtag.

The Easy Way – Using a hashtag Generator

There are many hashtag generators out there to assist you with creating your unique hashtag.

The Hard Way – Coming up with one yourself

Here’s the hard way (well kinda). Start with gathering important information about your big day.

  • You and your partners first name
  • The Wedding Date
  • Year of the wedding
  • The venue name
  • Wedding Theme
  • Some common wedding phrases
    • _______Happilyeverafter
    • Justmarried
    • istyingtheknot
    • savethedate
    • Meetthe_______
    • _______TiedtheKnot
    • ________GotHitched
    • ________SaidIDo

Don’t be afraid to come up with something funny or punny. Its always fun to make people laugh with a fun hashtag.

How to encourage people to use your wedding Hashtag

How do you get everyone to use your hashtag. Well the first impression will be the most memorable. Use it on your Save the Date. This will get the catchy hashtag in every ones mind. Then make some posts on your social media using the hashtag to reinforce it in their minds. Also put your hashtag on your wedding website so that everyone will see it when they visit to rsvp.

Then you can use the hashtag on your photos of events leading up to the wedding. For example rehearsal dinners, bridal parties, dress fitting photos and anything wedding related.

Lastly, I would then display my hashtag on a sign somewhere at my wedding venue. This will remind everyone to post their photos on social media using your hashtag.

How to get my wedding guests photos from HashTags?

There are two ways that I know of that you can use you get your wedding photos that were posted using your hashtag. FIrst would be the way everyone views hashtag photos. Just go to the preferred social media platform and search your hashtag. Every time someone posted a photo with your hashtag will come up under that search.

The second way that I have found is to use a tool that searches the hashtag and downloads them for you. 4kStogram is a good tool that you could use. At the time of making this article the price to purchase this tool is $9.95. This is a personal use license. The professional license is around $30 dollars. This tool will allow you to backup your account and download hashtagged content from other accounts.

So there you have it. Now you should be geared up and ready to get your wedding hashtag going. Remember to tell everyone to use it so that you can easily look up all the guest photos taken without tracking them all down. Good Luck and have a great day!

How to plan wedding reception seating?

How to plan wedding reception seating?

In preparation for your big day one of the biggest hurdles will be how to plan wedding seating. Lets speed up your wedding seating planning!

There are a few configurations and options that you may give your guests. Alternatively you can set assigned seating so that your guests find their table, their name and that is their seat.

Open Seating

One of the options that you can choose to use is open seating. The negative to having open seating with no assigned seats is it may create an atmosphere where family will not get to sit with their other family members. This arrangement may cause some issues if you have people sitting at a table close to the wedding party which leaves family sitting further away. I can assure you that someone will be offended or will sit somewhere where they don’t want to because of this arrangement.

If you do choose this option then a great tip would be to keep a couple extra tables to allow others that want to sit together more room. Because the seats are not assigned, you will have tables that are not completely filled.

Assigned Seating

Assigned seating takes more time to plan out but it allows you to customize a little more. I think assigned tables is an even easier way to plan. This keeps guests from feeling like they have to sit in a certain chair. If your cousins want to sit next to each other they can. It keeps the environment friendly and keeps weird situations where someone does not want to sit next to another.

Where should the bride and groom sit?

Let’s start with the most important table, The Bride and Groom. The bride and groom sit at table called the sweetheart’s table or the Bridal Party table.

You can sit alone at your own table or you can have your wedding party sitting with you. Traditionally the bride will be sitting to the left of the groom.

Where should family of the bride and groom sit?

This depends greatly on the layout of your tables. Usually the parents of the bride and groom would have their own tables they host. Then you would add close family and friends to their tables.

If you have parents that are divorced, then the parent would have their own table they host.

Where should you seat children at your wedding?

Depending on the age you could seat the children with their parents. Alternatively, you could have a children’s table which would allow the children to entertain each other and have a good time.

Where should friends sit?

Place your friends together if they know each other. If they are family friends then choose whoever they would be comfortable with.

Try to avoid having a “singles” table also. This may make your single friends feel uncomfortable. Or in other cases this may make them feel more at home. You know your friends the best, choose based on what you know.

Where should coworkers sit?

If you have enough coworkers to have a full table then use that option first. You coworkers will have more in common together and will feel comfortable if seated at one table. If you do not have enough coworkers to host an entire table then have your friends and coworkers sit at the same tables.

Consider limitations due to age

If you are having children at the wedding if you have toddler age kids attending them placing them with their parents may be better so they can have help in eating and staying contained in the building.

If you have elderly guests in attendance, make sure you have reasonable accommodations for them so that they feel welcomed. Seating them close to the food or bathroom will make it easier for them to move to those areas.

If you have any guests that need accessibility accommodations, then make sure you make plans with the wedding venue.

Should we display a seating chart at our wedding?

Yes, you should. This is the most convenient way of helping your guests figure everything out. If you just place the names at the table then the guests will have to walk to all the tables to search for their seat. Display your table chart at the entrance to the dining area. This will allow guests to find their table and then they can mingle with everyone without wondering around looking for their seating.

Should we display the number or names on the tables?

Unless you are having a small intimate reception then I would suggest just having a seating chart that assigns guests to a table. I would then allow the guests to pick their seating at their table. This way you will allow the guests to sit down as they arrive to the table.

This will allow your guests to sit facing the direction they choose and they will feel less like they were forced to sit a certain way.

Here are a few tips for making a seating chart

  • Chunk your guest list into separate groups so you can figure out how many are in this section
  • Example would be to group the groom family and then bride’s family separate. Try to group them by the relationships
  • Next group from friends, family, extended family, coworkers
  • When you have them into sections then you can then easily place them into the seating without getting too overwhelmed.

Whatever layout you decide to use just make sure you have fun and don’t worry about the little things. You will make your rounds and greet your guests. So you will see each table and no one will leave unappreciated.

How to reach your Wedding Fitness Goals

How to reach your Wedding Fitness Goals

Feeling your best on your wedding day is something that everyone wants. Set reasonable goals and stick to them. If you would like to trim down or bulk up for your big day I will go over some tips and tricks.

First try not to make this a short term and fast change. Changing your body takes time and the longer you set aside for this change the better you will feel up until the big day.

Things to consider before starting a fitness journey for your wedding

Make sure you are doing this for the right reasons. This is the time to make the change for yourself with the needs of yourself and your partner in mind.

No one should feel obligated to change their appearance before their big day. This is something that you should do for you and not to please anyone’s preconceived thoughts of how you should look. After all you look great already. Just remind yourself this if for you and not anyone else.

Planning for your healthy wedding

The best time to plan for your fitness goals is yesterday. We all have heard this and its true. How many times have you thought about making a healthy change for yourself and haven’t followed through?

This could be that you just don’t know where to start or following online articles that state you can make this happen in two weeks have you feeling less than good about the results.  

Counting Calories down to your wedding day

Whether you are trying to lose weight, trying to build muscle or both you should be counting your calories.

A simple math equation will help you determine your bodies caloric needs per day. If you have a deficit, then you can lose weight. If you maintain your calories you should stay at the same weight.

Check out this calculator that will help you determine your Caloric Needs.

Counting Calories: A Calorie Tracker tool that I have found extremely helpful would be the My Fitness Pal app that is available in the app store for Apple or Android.

With this app you can simply add in your calories by searching their large database of food which will let you link it right into your meal for the day. I also scan the barcodes on any of the food I eat which also automatically fills in the calories for that item.

These calculators use your age, height and current weight to determine the amount of calories you need to maintain your healthy weight and how many you need to eat to lose weight.

Just make sure you don’t fall off the band wagon and start eating without logging your calories. I’m speaking from experience that when I do this I tend to eat without concern of my calories. I have to make sure I’m entering everything into the app or writing it all down to make sure I’m eating right.

The best part about counting calories is you can still eat some of the foods you love but just in smaller quantities. Sometimes I enjoy Pizza but eating one slice is going to be reasonable instead of the whole pizza like I once had done. LOL. Don’t be me, don’t eat a whole pizza.

Add Exercise goals for your big Day

Let’s get started. Before planning out your workout plan you should know why exercise will help you with your goals. When working out in conjunction with your healthy eating habits you will get your metabolism into overdrive. When your metabolism is working harder then you are converting calories into energy. This is good and you will feel amazing.

Make sure you work out according to your current fitness level. If you are just starting out working out again then you should start slowly. If you fall into the next category up, then you can probably start working your way into a more advanced routine. Where do you fall?

I never workout

If you are in this category, then congratulations let’s get you started! The goal here is to jump start your metabolism to help you burn some calories.  Start slowly and don’t think you are going to run a marathon your first couple times working out. Do some low intensity cardio like walking. Incorporate this into your weekly habits a few times a week. If you have a job where you can walk more use the stairs instead of the elevator. Start at 30 minutes and work your way up.

Add in some light weight training between the walking days and there you are. You don’t have to be running miles at the beginning, everyone starts somewhere. Build on your workout intensity each week and set goals.

I already workout some

If you already workout some then you may consider trying something like Interval Training, High Intensity Training or Circuit Training. These all are good for weight loss.

If you want to bulk up then consider lifting heavy weight with low reps. Make sure to track your progress because you want to see your improvements each week.

I work out regularly

If this is you then you probably don’t need much of my advice in this area. Just make sure you have your diet right because that is the most helpful way to reach your goals. Make sure you maintain a healthy amount of working out. If you work out too much it can take your energy levels to an exhausting level. Also the harder and more you work out the more likely you could experience an injury. That will not be good walking down the aisle with an injury.  

Planning your Wedding Bod diet

Now some of these things are not going to be pleasant to your taste buds but this is for your fitness journey.

  • Eat Small Meals Often
  • Eat Less Carbs
  • Increase Protein
  • Increase Water Intake
  • Eat Healthy Fats
  • Cut back on Alcohol, Soda and Sugary Coffee
  • Plan ahead and Meal Prep

SaveTheDate wants you to succeed!

Planning a wedding and your fitness transformation is a lot to take on but we have faith in you!

What kind of alcohol do you serve at a Wedding?

What kind of alcohol do you serve at a Wedding?

There is no wrong choice in alcohol that you pick for your wedding. You should have a variety of different options when it comes to alcohol at your wedding. Different types of guests will have differing taste in alcohol. The theme of your wedding will also determine the choice of drink you have. If you and your partner have a certain preference then you should have what you enjoy, after all this is your day.

Alcohol at your wedding surely helps loosen everyone up and adds some pleasure to the night. Things to consider when planning out your wedding bar will depend on how many guests you plan to have attend, how many guests will consume alcohol and what type of wedding setting you are having.

A good rule of thumb is to plan that every guest will have at least two drinks during the first hour and one per hour after. This will also be determined by the flow of your event. If your reception is separate from your wedding ( in a church ) you may not have alcohol served at this location.

The Signature Cocktail

Having a Signature Cocktail that goes along with your wedding theme is a new tradition that has become very popular. Not only will this wow your guests with a fancy drink but It will help if you are trying to limit the different types of liquor at the wedding due to expenses.

The type of theme will heavily influence the different drinks that you could pick for your signature drink. If you are having a camouflage theme then pick a whiskey combo. If you have a rustic wedding then maybe

Your guests will most likely go for the mixed drink more often and you can expect to spend less on other types of alcohol. The extra detail of a signature cocktail adds a nice elegant touch.

BYOB Wedding Style or does the event provide the liquor?

Who provides the alcohol? There are three options to where the alcohol comes from. From budget friendly to more expensive I will try to provide you with some options. I suggest starting by first speaking with your wedding venue and determining what they offer for alcohol and ask what others have done. This will give you an idea on cost and legality.

If your event offers bar services this could be worth the expense if you just want a turn key option. Calculating the alcohol and purchasing everything seems like a daunting task. Then you will have to worry about serving the alcohol and keeping children out of the goods.

Full Service Bar

The Full Service Bar option would include the alcohol as part of the contract with bar and staff. This would require your venue to have a liquor license. Venues that operate their own bar service will provide the correct amount of alcohol by the number of guests you have at your venue.

You may also be charges a per guest setup fee. This can all be negotiated in the contract with the bar service or wedding venue. This option obviously will cost more than the others.

Average costs for soda and water are about $1.00 per item. $6.00 – $7.00. Imported beer is usually $5.00 – $7.00 per item. Wine is $6.00 – $9.00. Domestic Beer is $4.00 – $6.00.

Bring your own with Service

You could purchase your own alcohol and then have it served by the bar service. This option is good because you control what type of drinks are served and you can pay a flat rate for the bartending service. Guests will tip the bartender(s) which will also compensate them for their service. This will also help limit the amount of alcohol consumed compared to a self serve.

BYOB Self Serve (DIY)

The cheapest option overall but it does have its down sides. If you purchase your own alcohol then you will want to check with your venue and local municipality about the legality of this practice. Your venue will most likely know the regulations and best practices from previous events.

You will also have to make sure that guests are not abusing the free range of alcohol. Children and young adults will need to be monitored to make sure they are not consuming the alcohol also.

This option is the best on a budget but the most popular option is the Bring your own with Service.

Different Types of Bars

Cash Bar

A cash bar is staffed by bartenders but instead of you paying for the alcoholic drinks your guests pay for them per drink. This is a popular option because you will not be responsible for the entire bill at then end of the night. You can also supplement the bar by providing champagne and wine for toasts. You can also have certain amount of time that is open bar and then after that it becomes a cash bar. The choice is yours.

Open Bar

The Open bar is the easiest option. You pay for the night and guests enjoy the unlimited supply of alcohol served up by the bartenders. This option can be for a set period of time or you can let your guests enjoy the open bar for the entire event. This may be the easiest option but is by far the most expensive option. This is better suited for a variety of different drink options and you will need an experienced bartender to be able to serve up all types of drinks.

Limited Bar

So you want to purchase the alcohol but have the bar hosted by the staff. This is the option where you purchase the types of alcohol you want served and the bartenders will serve the guests. This would be used if you want to serve champagne, beer and wine for the dinner and a signature cocktail after. This is an affordable option and will keep guests from being overserved.

The three other non typical bar options

Dry Bar

If you don’t drink and you don’t want to serve your guests alcohol then you will have a dry bar at your wedding. This bar option can include sweet tea for a rustic country wedding to sodas, juices and water.

Soft Bar

A Soft bar offers only Red Wine, and White Wine, Champagne and Beer.

White Bar

A White bar offers white beverages. For example a typical white bar would serve Vodka, White Rum, White Wine and Gin.

Tipping? Should I tip the bartender and how much?

The answer is yes if you are hiring them as an open bar then you will cover the tip. If you are having any other type of bar then the guests will most likely be tipping the bartenders throughout the event. If you want to learn more about wedding tipping practices then check out this post. Generally the general guide is 15-20% tip of the final tab or cost.

How to calculate how much alcohol to buy for a wedding?

In order to calculate how much you will need you will first need to have a head count of everyone attending. If you received your RSVP’s then you will have a pretty accurate count.

First to understand the amount you will need to purchase you need to understand how much you can get out of a particular type of alcohol bottle.

Alcohol TypeAmount of serving
Keg 15.5 Gallons124 Pints
Bottle of Champagne 750ml8 Flutes
Bottle of Liquor 750ml18 cocktails
Bottle of Wine 750ml5 Glasses
These are averages which are subject to change depending on the type of glassware they are served in or bartender.

As far as what ratio to purchase for your types of alcohol I would recommend different ratios per type of bar.

How many bottles come in a case?

A case of beer contains 24 bottles or cans.

A case of Wine contains 12 bottles.

Champagne and liquor come in cases but are typically sold per unit.

Alcohol purchase amount Ratios for Weddings

These are just averages that seem to be a good starting point. If your guests are more beer drinkers than wine drinkers then adjust accordingly. This probably will vary by origin also. The Open bar and Cash bar will have alcohol provided by the venue. They have their own ratio to keep their bar stocked which is determined by demand.

BYOB *3/4 Beer (75%)1/4 Liquor (25%)
Limited Bar1/4 Wine (25%)1/2 Beer (50%)1/4 Liquor (25%)
Soft Bar3/4 Wine (75%)1/4 Beer (25%)– (0%)
( * If you want to serve wine then you would serve 25% wine and have less beer. )

Guest etiquette for a Wedding Bar

  • Be Polite to the bartender. They will be busy and are trying to fulfill everyone’s request.
  • There is a line for a reason. Don’t just think you can jump ahead of everyone.
  • Don’t over consume drinks at the free bar its not fair to the other guests.
  • Last of all TIP the Bartender!

So hopefully this gets you on your way toward a perfect wedding day. No one knows your guests better than you and some of this advice will differ per guest type. Whatever you decide you will make the best of the day. I hope you have a great wedding day. Be safe, Be happy! Good Luck!