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How to plan wedding reception seating?

In preparation for your big day one of the biggest hurdles will be how to plan wedding seating. Lets speed up your wedding seating planning!

There are a few configurations and options that you may give your guests. Alternatively you can set assigned seating so that your guests find their table, their name and that is their seat.

Open Seating

One of the options that you can choose to use is open seating. The negative to having open seating with no assigned seats is it may create an atmosphere where family will not get to sit with their other family members. This arrangement may cause some issues if you have people sitting at a table close to the wedding party which leaves family sitting further away. I can assure you that someone will be offended or will sit somewhere where they don’t want to because of this arrangement.

If you do choose this option then a great tip would be to keep a couple extra tables to allow others that want to sit together more room. Because the seats are not assigned, you will have tables that are not completely filled.

Assigned Seating

Assigned seating takes more time to plan out but it allows you to customize a little more. I think assigned tables is an even easier way to plan. This keeps guests from feeling like they have to sit in a certain chair. If your cousins want to sit next to each other they can. It keeps the environment friendly and keeps weird situations where someone does not want to sit next to another.

Where should the bride and groom sit?

Let’s start with the most important table, The Bride and Groom. The bride and groom sit at table called the sweetheart’s table or the Bridal Party table.

You can sit alone at your own table or you can have your wedding party sitting with you. Traditionally the bride will be sitting to the left of the groom.

Where should family of the bride and groom sit?

This depends greatly on the layout of your tables. Usually the parents of the bride and groom would have their own tables they host. Then you would add close family and friends to their tables.

If you have parents that are divorced, then the parent would have their own table they host.

Where should you seat children at your wedding?

Depending on the age you could seat the children with their parents. Alternatively, you could have a children’s table which would allow the children to entertain each other and have a good time.

Where should friends sit?

Place your friends together if they know each other. If they are family friends then choose whoever they would be comfortable with.

Try to avoid having a “singles” table also. This may make your single friends feel uncomfortable. Or in other cases this may make them feel more at home. You know your friends the best, choose based on what you know.

Where should coworkers sit?

If you have enough coworkers to have a full table then use that option first. You coworkers will have more in common together and will feel comfortable if seated at one table. If you do not have enough coworkers to host an entire table then have your friends and coworkers sit at the same tables.

Consider limitations due to age

If you are having children at the wedding if you have toddler age kids attending them placing them with their parents may be better so they can have help in eating and staying contained in the building.

If you have elderly guests in attendance, make sure you have reasonable accommodations for them so that they feel welcomed. Seating them close to the food or bathroom will make it easier for them to move to those areas.

If you have any guests that need accessibility accommodations, then make sure you make plans with the wedding venue.

Should we display a seating chart at our wedding?

Yes, you should. This is the most convenient way of helping your guests figure everything out. If you just place the names at the table then the guests will have to walk to all the tables to search for their seat. Display your table chart at the entrance to the dining area. This will allow guests to find their table and then they can mingle with everyone without wondering around looking for their seating.

Should we display the number or names on the tables?

Unless you are having a small intimate reception then I would suggest just having a seating chart that assigns guests to a table. I would then allow the guests to pick their seating at their table. This way you will allow the guests to sit down as they arrive to the table.

This will allow your guests to sit facing the direction they choose and they will feel less like they were forced to sit a certain way.

Here are a few tips for making a seating chart

  • Chunk your guest list into separate groups so you can figure out how many are in this section
  • Example would be to group the groom family and then bride’s family separate. Try to group them by the relationships
  • Next group from friends, family, extended family, coworkers
  • When you have them into sections then you can then easily place them into the seating without getting too overwhelmed.

Whatever layout you decide to use just make sure you have fun and don’t worry about the little things. You will make your rounds and greet your guests. So you will see each table and no one will leave unappreciated.

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