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Will Cicadas ruin my Wedding Day?

You are coming up on your big wedding day, everything is planned out perfectly then this month you realize there is a whole other issue you haven’t planned for.. An unplanned wedding crasher which waited patiently for 17 years to emerge on your wedding day. The Brood X Cicadas. That’s right they are here and you have the choice to either embrace them or take measures to keep them from ruining your day.

You waited out the pandemic or postponed your wedding for your big day just to find out that a swarm of bugs is going to be buzzing around your guests and wedding dinner. I was alive 17 years ago when the cicadas came out before and it was interesting but they will eventually go away and wait out there next 17 year slumber.

The small amount of time these insects are around will only effect some weddings. But I bet 17 years from your wedding you will still have family talking about how the cicadas crashed your big day.

How long does the Cicada swarm Last?

These pesty bugs usually only hang around from May to the end of June. So its a short annoying time but you will get through it. Many of us don’t even remember what it was like having them visit 17 years ago. (myself included)

This also depends on the weather conditions. If the weather is warm and dry then the Cicadas will mate sooner than later. The weather plays a huge role in whether you have a short season or a long season which can expire around the first of July.

What are Cicadas and why do they come out of the ground?

Believe it or not there are Cicadas that emerge every year. These are called Annual Cicadas. Then you have Periodical which come out after long periods of time, for example the 17 year cicadas. Then you have the Protoperiodical which emerge every year and every couple years they emerge together in large numbers.

So this weird little insect with large bulging eyes and wings is best known for the sound it makes. The male insect makes noises by flexing their tymbals which are organs that are like drums. This sound is amplified by the hollow abdomen of the Cicada. The female Cicadas also make noise by flicking their wings. This is not the common cicada sound that you are thinking of.

Both the male and female Cicadas die within a few weeks after emerging from the ground. See, I told you it would only effect a small number of weddings.

The cicadas mate, then the female places her eggs into the bark of a tree. These eggs hatch and the nympth falls to the ground and burrows. Cicadas will live under the soil for most of their lives and will feed off of plant roots. The Cicadas then make a tunnel and emerge to shed their skin. Once this happens its like your 18 year old kid leaving the nest. They are now adults and they repeat the lifecycle again to make the next generation of Cicadas.

Anyway, I’m sure you are tired of hearing about what Cicadas are. Yes, I know they are creepy and you don’t want them at your wedding. Well let me give you some tips to help on your wedding day guests.

How will the Cicadas effect my outdoor wedding?

Yes they will, but it won’t be as bad as your picture in your head. Remember this “swarm” of Cicadas is not some biblical amount of Cicadas that are wreaking havoc on your town. We have been through the Cicadas before and we barely remembered until we knew they were coming out again.

If you are having an outdoor wedding then just take some precautions to keep the unwanted guests from interrupting your ceremony.

  • Maybe Mic up your wedding ceremony so that guests can hear you over the Cicadas singing.
  • Try to stay away from trees and wooded areas. The Cicadas tend to flock toward these areas to breed and lay eggs.
  • Put up a tent or have the ceremony indoors to avoid the extra exposure you will have to these insects.
  • Serve food inside. There would be nothing worse than having your guests find a bulgy eyed winged insect in their mashed potatoes.
  • Cicadas tend to be more active during the daytime. If your ceremony or reception is after dark then you may have less troubles

Don’t be alarmed if you hear an occasional guest scream because a Cicada landed on them or if they jump when they see one crawling up their chair. Make sure to let your guests know they are harmless and they don’t bit or sting.

There is not truly a way to mitigate all the Cicadas from your wedding day but hopefully taking some of these precautions can help you enjoy your day to the fullest.

How can I embrace the Cicadas at my wedding?

I’m glad you want to embrace the Cicadas at your wedding. This is something that many (including myself) would have a hard time doing. Truth is these creatures do not harm humans and are just annoying.

You could offer a wedding favor bag of chocolate covered Cicadas as a way to embrace the bugs or you could name a signature drink after them. ( The Brood X )

I think another funny way of embracing the inevitable would be to make some jokes on the alter about how you call each other bug. Or you could add the Cicadas to the guest list or give them their own table on your seating chart.

Take some fun photos with your newly acquainted guests. Get a Cicada selfie. Have someone paint you a cicada backdrop for your photos or photobooth.

What do Cicadas Symbolize?

They say that the Cicadas bring about a period of rejuvenation. They also symbolize revival and a renewal of your spirit. I’m not sure what that exactly means but It sounds good and you will want them at your wedding. Besides you can really stop them so just pretend this is a good sign.

Don’t worry about the Cicadas, just have fun

These are just some fun ways to embrace the Cicada Wedding. I know all you Brides and Grooms that planned a wedding from May to July have been dreading the thought of a Cicada landing in your hair. Just remember that it could always rain on your wedding day which is a sign of good luck. Maybe Cicadas on your wedding day are even better luck!

As always, take care and make the most of your big day!

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